Old-age pension application

Where and by when must I apply for the OASI old-age pension?

Only individuals who apply for an OASI pension will receive one. We recommend you submit your application in time (approx. 3 to 4 months before reaching the reference age). As a rule, the compensation office which most recently received contributions is responsible. Employees get the address of the compensation office in question from their employer. If the spouse already receives a pension, the application must be lodged with the compensation office which pays the pension of the spouse

Registering an early pension withdrawal in time

The application for early pension withdrawal must be submitted no later than the last day of the month preceding the desired payment date. The pension withdrawal can be claimed from the following month at the earliest. Retroactive application is excluded.

Pension deferral - don't miss the deadline!

The deferral must be declared at the latest within one year of reaching the reference age by means of a so-called deferral declaration on the normal registration form.

You can find more useful information on OASI benefits here

Leaflet 3.01 - OASI old-age pensions and helplessness allowances
Leaflet 3.04 - Flexible retirement
Leaflet 3.06 - Pension forecasts

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