eBill option for invoices by the compensation office scienceindustries

Now you are offered the possibility to pay our invoices simply by using eBill. With eBill you receive your invoices directly via the e-banking-solution of your bank.

Sign in

Log yourself into your e-banking account and follow the descriptions for the installation of eBill. Search for the «Ausgleichskasse scienceindustries» among the invoices. Subsequently, you can fill in your concern (Betrifft) number, which you will find in the top left corner of your invoice.

For any questions we are at your disposal. Please find the coordinates of our customer consultant in the top left corner of your invoice.

Further information

Questions and answers 
Viaduktstr. 42
4002 Basle
Telephone 061 285 22 22
E-mail info@ak35.ch
Opening hours
Counter / Phone
09:00-11:00 14:00-16:00
Telephone contacts
Make an appointment